E Hene - E Diel 09:00 - 22:00
Prishtinë | Prizren
SKU: 524845

Original price was: 39.99€.Current price is: 29.99€.

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The Entertainer Kosovo eshte perfaqesues zyrtar per Kosoven i rrjetit me te madh Anglez te lodrave per femije The Entertainer UK. Ne shesim vetem lodra origjinale, te markave qe jane te sigurta, per te luajtur femijet.

Mr Frosty’s the coolest guy to call for delicious frozen treats!

This friendly snowman comes with everything you need to create your own crunchy ice, fruity ice shapes and ice lollies!

To make refreshing drinks, simply add some ice under Mr Frosty’s hat and turn the handle to crush it. Then put the ice into one of the sundae dishes and use the squeezy penguin to add your favourite juice or cordial. You now have the perfect thing for a summer’s day.

You can also use the ice lolly moulds and shape trays for even more fruity creations. Simply pop your favourite fruity drinks into the moulds and place them in the freezer for a while, then take them out and they’re ready to eat.

For even more fun, put the frozen shapes under Mr Frosty’s hat and turn the handle on his back to create tasty crushed ice treats for everyone. Spice up the ice with Mr Frosty the Ice Crunchy Maker!

Mr Frosty’s ideal for ages three and up.

What’s in the box?

  • Mr Frosty
  • 3 x ice lollys
  • 2 x Mr Frosty spoons
  • 1 x penguin juice dispenser
  • 2 x shaped ice try moulds
  • 2 x Mr Frosty bowls